The historic ?Cuartel San Carlos? is to be repurposed and become a National Culture Center (Centro Nacional de Culturas) with the intention of shifting from current political connotation into being a rallying banner for liberty and national creation.

This building was started at the end of the eighteenth century and was the stage of executions during the Venezuelan War of Independence. It was also associated with the overthrowing of President Medina Angarita by means of a military coup d?etat. It was the jail for citizens accused of subversion during the time of guerrillas. It was the scenario for famous escapes and housed the participants of the 1992 failed military coup as it also housed the President during his detention. After all that history, this building is intended to embody all the aspects of national culture.


Through history, this building suffered several alterations in its interior and on its four exterior walls, which made it lose its original architectural qualities and ultimately lessened its dignity and character.

This project embodies the idea of burying the secrets of the past, transforming the darkness that dwells in this house through the effect of the light that is culture.

Urban proposal: Offering the city and its neighboring areas a new SAN CARLOS of undeniable urban value, a FREE beacon of LIGHT.

Social proposal: Integrating the individual to the process of self-enrichment, culture, self-development, and work in the interest of the betterment of society and the quest for the greatness of the nation.

Artistic proposal: Rescuing the cultural manifestations inherited from the fusion of the native, white, and color populations, in order to foster, value and disseminate our national culture.

Architectural proposal: Our primary goal for the concept of transforming the Cuartel San Carlos is focused on using symbolic and architectural elements that will be presented in a sequence. This will allow the visitors to experience the events that took place inside the Cuartel, from its earliest moments and moving up to the present day. The visitors will begin their journey at the entrance, which is located below street level on the eastern side of the building, and will walk upwards the existing slope.

The central theme of this journey is the burial of all darkness outside the Cuartel, as a symbol of all that is undesirable.